August 3, 2021

The worthier alternative to the ‘no gifts please’ invitation

No gifts please invitation to children's party

Children's party with no gifts

The existence of ‘no gifts please’ has been appearing on children’s party invitations with increasing popularity over the last few years.

So why the shift, and is it really the solution that parents are really looking for? Or is there an alternative that suits families and their party guests better?

Firstly, we look at why this trend has taken off. As we are all too aware, children these days have loads of stuff. This ‘stuff’ is often quickly discarded and forgotten about by our children, where it ends up cluttering up the house, being (at best) taken to the charity shop, re-gifted or (at worse) thrown away. In fact, nearly a quarter of parents have admitted to throwing away toys that were in perfect working order.*

But not only is this clutter annoying for families, but its also bad for the environment. For many of us, doing what we can to cut down on our carbon footprint is now part of our everyday family routine. More and more we try to recycle, use less plastic, choose eco-friendly alternatives etc. and so the thought of buying excessive goods for the sake of a party feels…well a little vulgar. ‘No gifts’ means we can pass on our good eco-ethics down to our children, and perhaps remind even a few of the adult guests, that presence not presents is what’s should be valued most. In summary, it’s easier for the parents, better for the environment and stops party guests wasting their money. Win, win. But somehow the ‘no gifts please’ party invitation still doesn’t quite sit right.

What’s wrong with it…well for starters indisputably and undeniably children love presents. Often this isn’t an issue as gifts come from parents and close family members and friends, therefore the party is a separate treat that doesn’t require any extra contributions. However, what if there is something that the child really wants, something that is not only going to bring them joy but that could actually benefit them in the future?

In addition, it’s not only the child who might have their mind on that special something. Sometimes a guest might really WANT to give their favourite little human something, and therefore be left unsure what to do. Some would go so far as to say, demanding ‘no gifts’ could confuse your guests, hint at being ungrateful and even boarder on the rude.

Therefore, Little Futures believe we have the answer and it’s all to do with our cleverly worded invitations. A digital Little Future’s invitation clearly states that ‘there is absolutely no obligation to bring a gift, but that if guests would like to contribute, they can to towards’….and this is where it gets more exciting. Little Futures encourages families to think about what will really benefit their little one’s future. Whether this be music lessons, a new bike, savings like a junior ISA, an unforgettable trip, a subscription to an educational toy company or a donation to their favourite charity…the possibilities are endless.

Our templates guide our users with pre-designed (often pretty funny!) text suggestions which can then be adapted and personalised to suit each child. Little Futures invites can be used to ignite our little one’s passions and provide an opportunity to discuss with our children what interests them, as well as how they can use these enthusiasms to help others and look after our planet. Our hope is that by using a Little Future’s invitation families are encouraged to think about what’s important to their children and how we can inspire them to make decisions now, which will help shape their futures.

No gift parties are good in principle, but Little Futures parties are downright brilliant. Parents don’t end up with lots of junk, our planet stays happy, guests don’t waste their money AND children get something well thought out which will actually benefit them or others…well if that’s not enough of to celebrate then we don’t know what is!

*From a study by the British Heart Foundation

Little Futures

Children's invitations that give friends & family the option to contribute to your child's savings, experiences and charities.

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Little Futures

Invitations that care about
your child's future.

Cut down on environmentally unfriendly gifts by giving friends & family the option to contribute to your child's savings, experiences or a charity. All in a simple invitation.

Phone invite